lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2016

One thing I like to do is to read though with search terms people comes to this blog. Very often, they search for “love” and they sees the blog but today, I saw that someone searched for “no such thing as perfect couple” and he was directed to the blog. I asked myself why this person searched for this terms, was him/her looking to get a proof that no one wrote on this (because perfect couple exist) but was him/her looking to get the proof that not perfect couple exist (once more I would like to say that the perfect couple exist). Now I’ve got a question: what should you define as the perfect couple?

We cannot say that a perfect couple is one where there is no argument between the two. We all know that such a couple doesn’t exist. Does this means that the perfect couple doesn’t exist?! It would be so sad. For those who want to know why this can’t exist, it is because we are not perfect, that’s why we can’t have a perfect couple. But for those who want to know why this exist, it is because we have a tendency towards perfection.
By definition, a perfect couple is one where even though there is argument, there is always one (if not both) that will try to settle the argument (refers to “WHEN TO ARGUE AND WHEN TO MAKE CONCESSION?” to help (!)). Or if both are very angry, they will try not to expand the problem but try to calm down and analyse rationally (not always so easy to do though not impossible) the problem. A perfect couple will be one where no one miss the birthday or any anniversary (so easy, just use reminder on your cell phone, I do this even though I remember each birthday and anniversary). A perfect couple will be one where the other is ready to make concession for the other, to make an additional effort. Example; even when tired, I try to make an effort to help cooking (I remember the beautiful Saturday cooking with her, try it guy…) or I remember doing a massage to her one day when my eyes were almost closing by themselves (and I got to take a bus and went home). A perfect couple is one where you will see both talking all way long because they got so plenty of thing to say. A perfect couple is one where the girl cares for the guy and the guy cares for the girl. A perfect couple is one where the qualities transcend the flaws. This is a perfect couple.
To resume, a perfect couple is one where both tries to make effort to make the like of the other one perfect and the other one does it also. We cannot have a perfect couple because we are not perfect but we can make our couple be perfect for us. A little is effort is all that is needed.
I hope that the one who search these terms will get an answer because we are all living in a perfect couple, but we don’t have the perfect eyes to see it.
Good luck everyone in trying to make your couple a perfect one and I wish you a perfect cheerio.

Resultado de imagen para perfect couple


Zedge. (16 de May de 2015). Perfect Couple. Obtenido de

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