martes, 6 de septiembre de 2016

Perfect couple and Multitasking


Crenshaw, D. (3 de August de 2014). The Myth of Multitasking Test (NEW). Obtenido de


According to the two texts and video about Perfect couple and Multitasking

Perfect couple

I think there is no perfect person in the world because as social characters are generated but more in adolescents where present emotions that comparaten other people taking certain whether but would never be the perfect couple alone for no discussions arise not want say they are perfect if not that can be generated by other aspestos such as a bad communication between them.

 (Mendieta Villamar; 2016)


I think not all people have the ability to develop different activities at the same time so that it could have positive and negative aspects such as positive learning new songs and more capacodad to put it into practice psin But the other point of view negative this may influence the drop being in materials or project giving faulty released so would have a low IQ of 10 points, the equivalent of going without sleep for a whole night.

(Toledo Zambrano; 2016)

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