jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2016

The multitasking how you know someone to take after development of various activities in stress, anxiety are generated causing poor performance the next day so we can make different mistakes and still affect the mental health of the individual, addition multitasking causes damage to your brain, it is quite possible that multitasking is hurting their relationships. Since these unwanted consequences may not result in problems of self-esteem and even depression. but not everything is in a negative aspect, but also in another point seen this could be categorized for the able bodied, intelligent, efficient, saves time and increases productivity that knowledge some recommendations was further developed to take into account when developing multitasking is to have at least a little rest to recover energy, resist the development of less important tasks to clarify thoughts at all times with a little dedication in work and develop a time with less distraction and focusing on the most important a good presentation and representation of tasks.

 (Mendieta Villamar; 2016)

martes, 6 de septiembre de 2016

Perfect couple and Multitasking


Crenshaw, D. (3 de August de 2014). The Myth of Multitasking Test (NEW). Obtenido de https://www.youtube.com/user/DaveCrenshawAuthor


According to the two texts and video about Perfect couple and Multitasking

Perfect couple

I think there is no perfect person in the world because as social characters are generated but more in adolescents where present emotions that comparaten other people taking certain whether but would never be the perfect couple alone for no discussions arise not want say they are perfect if not that can be generated by other aspestos such as a bad communication between them.

 (Mendieta Villamar; 2016)


I think not all people have the ability to develop different activities at the same time so that it could have positive and negative aspects such as positive learning new songs and more capacodad to put it into practice psin But the other point of view negative this may influence the drop being in materials or project giving faulty released so would have a low IQ of 10 points, the equivalent of going without sleep for a whole night.

(Toledo Zambrano; 2016)

lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2016

One thing I like to do is to read though with search terms people comes to this blog. Very often, they search for “love” and they sees the blog but today, I saw that someone searched for “no such thing as perfect couple” and he was directed to the blog. I asked myself why this person searched for this terms, was him/her looking to get a proof that no one wrote on this (because perfect couple exist) but was him/her looking to get the proof that not perfect couple exist (once more I would like to say that the perfect couple exist). Now I’ve got a question: what should you define as the perfect couple?

We cannot say that a perfect couple is one where there is no argument between the two. We all know that such a couple doesn’t exist. Does this means that the perfect couple doesn’t exist?! It would be so sad. For those who want to know why this can’t exist, it is because we are not perfect, that’s why we can’t have a perfect couple. But for those who want to know why this exist, it is because we have a tendency towards perfection.
By definition, a perfect couple is one where even though there is argument, there is always one (if not both) that will try to settle the argument (refers to “WHEN TO ARGUE AND WHEN TO MAKE CONCESSION?” to help (!)). Or if both are very angry, they will try not to expand the problem but try to calm down and analyse rationally (not always so easy to do though not impossible) the problem. A perfect couple will be one where no one miss the birthday or any anniversary (so easy, just use reminder on your cell phone, I do this even though I remember each birthday and anniversary). A perfect couple will be one where the other is ready to make concession for the other, to make an additional effort. Example; even when tired, I try to make an effort to help cooking (I remember the beautiful Saturday cooking with her, try it guy…) or I remember doing a massage to her one day when my eyes were almost closing by themselves (and I got to take a bus and went home). A perfect couple is one where you will see both talking all way long because they got so plenty of thing to say. A perfect couple is one where the girl cares for the guy and the guy cares for the girl. A perfect couple is one where the qualities transcend the flaws. This is a perfect couple.
To resume, a perfect couple is one where both tries to make effort to make the like of the other one perfect and the other one does it also. We cannot have a perfect couple because we are not perfect but we can make our couple be perfect for us. A little is effort is all that is needed.
I hope that the one who search these terms will get an answer because we are all living in a perfect couple, but we don’t have the perfect eyes to see it.
Good luck everyone in trying to make your couple a perfect one and I wish you a perfect cheerio.

Resultado de imagen para perfect couple

“DEALING WITH HUMANWIRED[WORDPRESS.COM]”. (18 de JULY de 2008). WHY WOULD YOU SAY “NO SUCH THING AS PERFECT COUPLE”? Obtenido de https://humanwired.wordpress.com/2008/07/18/why-would-you-say-no-such-thing-as-perfect-couple/

Zedge. (16 de May de 2015). Perfect Couple. Obtenido de http://www.zedge.net/wallpaper/2363996/

Multitasking (in humans)

Multitasking, in a human context, is the practice of doing multiple things simultaneously, such as editing a document or responding to email while attending a teleconference.
The concept of multitasking began in a computing context. Computer multitasking, similarly to human multitasking, refers to performing multiple tasks at the same time. In a computer, multitasking refers to things like running more than application simultaneously.
Current computers are designed for multitasking. For humans, however, multitasking has been decisively proven to be an ineffective way to work. Research going back to the 1980s has indicated repeatedly that performance suffers when people multitask.
A few research findings about multitasking:
  • For students, an increase in multitasking predicted poorer academic results.
  • Multitaskers took longer to complete tasks and produced more errors.
  • People had more difficulty retaining new information while multitasking.
  • When tasks involved making selections or producing actions, even very simple tasks performed concurrently were impaired.
  • Multitaskers lost a significant amount of time switching back and forth between tasks, reducing  their productivity up to 40%.
  • Habitual multitaskers were less effective than non-multitaskers even when doing one task at any given time because their ability to focus was impaired.
  • Multitasking temporarily causes an IQ drop of 10 points, the equivalent of going without sleep for a full night.
  • Multitaskers typically think they are more effective than is actually the case.

Resultado de imagen para Multitasking


Rouse, M. (13 de August de 2013). Business terms. Obtenido de http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/multitasking-in-humans

Miller, J. (6 de August de 2005). Linked in . Obtenido de https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/5-ways-successful-people-avoid-multitasking-work-joshua-miller

lunes, 1 de agosto de 2016

Homelessness and Houselessness

We must take action now days because society does not realize that by ignoring the bad habits that people approach can present them as a spin of a coin and pass poe that needs. The issue of the quantitative extent of homelessness is often controversial and hotly debated at local, regional and national levels. There is a tendency for those responsible for policies and the funding of services to underestimate the extent in order to minimise public responsibilities and to keep the problem they are expected to deal with manageable. On the other hand, pressure groups tend to overestimate the number of homeless people in order to increase their political relevance and the resources made available to them.

The important point here is that one single number will not be enough to understand homelessness and to develop and monitor adequate policies to tackle it. If we take the different life situations of homeless people, we want to have not only a single indicator on the number of people experiencing such a situation at a given point in time or during a given period, but also indicators on how many people are becoming homeless and how many manage to end an episode of homelessness
As Edgar et al. (2007) emphasised, homelessness strategies should have a number of different aims – and more and more European governments have developed such comprehensive homelessness strategies, 7 setting concrete targets in fields of action such as:
• Prevention of homelessness.
• Tackling the causes of homelessness.
• Reducing the level of homelessness.
• Reducing the negative effects on homeless people and their families.
• Ensuring that formerly homeless people can sustain permanent independent housing

(Mendieta Villamar, 2016)

The only thing that does change is a shift from court referral to earlier intervention by schools.
Truancy means missing school on a regular basis for no good reason. It is also sometimes called ‘unauthorised absence’ By law, all children who are registered at school must attend regularly. Home-educated children do not have to attend school. Children in special schools, and those on free school meals, are most likely to truant
The children who skip school do not do as well in test, assessments and exams so they are not at a stable level as other students.
The more engaged you are as a parent in your child’s education, the more likely your child is to attend and enjoy school. Taking an interest in your child’s school life is a very important way to avoid truancy.

Another factor which in turn influence truancy is in which Among at-risk students, the needs of bullying victims are distinct. school truancy and disciplinary problems may reflect attempts to self-protect. These efforts may take the form of avoidance or pre-emptive action. Feeling hopeless or defenseless, victims may opt to frequently stay home from school to avoid their bullies or the social stigma associated with being known as a victim
Given the vast and negative effects of bullying on its victims, practitioners and researchers must also adapt to the changing face of bullying.
often it is presented to young people so they take decisions to no longer go to school and terminadan in different places would not be good to them.

(Mendieta Villamar, 2016)

jueves, 30 de junio de 2016


What is truancy?

A teenage boy playing truant © 'govicinity @ Fotolia.com'
Truancy means missing school on a regular basis for no good reason. It is also sometimes called ‘unauthorised absence’.
By law, all children who are registered at school must attend regularly. Home-educated children do not have to attend school.
Truancy is a big problem, and it’s on the increase. The most recent figures, for 2009, show the truancy rate in England was up 4% on the previous year.
Children in special schools, and those on free school meals, are most likely to truant.

How it can impact on their future – and yours

Truancy matters because:
  • Children who skip school don’t do as well in tests, assessments and exams.
  • If your child doesn’t show up for lessons, their school record will suggest to future employers that they are unreliable.
  • Being out of school during school hours gives your child time to kill - and research has shown that this can lead to criminal or antisocial behaviour.
  • You, as a parent or guardian, are responsible for your child. Legally, you must ensure that your child attends school - and if they don’t, you could get a penalty notice (a fixed fine) or even face prosecution.

What to do if you think your child is playing truant

Taking an interest in your child’s school life is a very important way to avoid truancy. The more engaged you are as a parent in your child’s education, the more likely your child is to attend and enjoy school.
So always make time to talk to your child about how they’re getting on at school. Keep in touch with your child’s teacher and don’t miss parent-teacher evenings. Also, try to attend school events if you possibly can.
Don’t wait for niggles to become big problems before you address them with teachers. If you suspect your child of truancy, don’t turn a blind eye. And don’t cover up for your child or make excuses. Schools are now clamping down on absence. If you say that your son or daughter was ill, you’ll probably be asked for precise details about the illness (or possibly a note from your GP) to make sure their absence was genuine.
Talk to your child about what’s causing them to skip school. Some children truant because they’re being bullied, either at school or on the way there. If this turns out to be the issue for your child, then it is something that you and the school need to tackle.
Talk to your child’s teacher or the parent support adviser at school. They will probably suggest that you work together on a plan to track your child’s attendance - this could mean you staying in close contact with the school regarding your child’s appearance/non-appearance in the classroom.
Don’t be afraid of talking to school staff about your concerns. Schools and local authorities realise the importance of working with parents to ensure children attend school. They will try to give you and your child the support you need.


miércoles, 8 de junio de 2016

Homelessness and Houselessness

¿What we know about Homelessness?

In the last forty years there has been a proliferation of data and studies on what can be called, in a Foucauldian way, the “economy of homelessness” – resulting in the “knowledge of all the processes related to population in its larger sense” (Foucault, 2000, pp.216-217).
homelessness, and gender differences amongst homeless people, to very specific accounts on the housing stock, or, for instance, the health and mental conditions of homeless and vagrant individuals. However, despite the variety of topics and contributions, it is possible to recognise a commonality in the approaches adopted in studying homelessness: Namely that homeless people are often “framed”, hence prior  of this or that aspect of their life.

We compared 49 homeless female-headed families with 81 housed female-headed families in Boston. Most housed families were living in public or private subsidized housing. In both groups the mothers were poor, currently single, had little work experience, and had been on welfare for long periods. Many of their children had serious developmental and emotional problems. Homeless mothers had more frequently been abused as children and battered as adults and their support networks were fragmented; the housed mothers had female relatives and extended family living nearby whom they saw often. The frequency of drug, alcohol, and serious psychiatric problems was greater among the homeless mothers. The homeless mothers may have been more vulnerable to the current housing shortage because they lacked support in time of need. This, in turn, may have been due to their history of family violence. Psychiatric disabilities may have been another contributing factor in the minority of homeless women. The notion that a "culture of poverty" accounts for homelessness was not supported by the data since the homeless were less likely to have grown up in families on welfare. The data suggest that solutions to family homelessness in the current housing market require an increase in the supply of decent affordable housing, income maintenance, and assistance from social welfare agencies focused on rebuilding supportive relationships.


Houseless and Homeless Same?  Not exactly. 

They may be housed and homeless at the same time.  This is a big issue and a terribly sore spot with the homeless.  To them there is a world of difference; almost fighting words!   There are homeless veterans and houseless veterans, two different levels of homeless, but don’t say that someone housed cannot be homeless.  The houseless veteran is one that sleeps in a doorway or back alley or along some creek bank somewhere.   The homeless veteran covers that and also the housed that cannot make a home out of their accomidations. 

Many think so, but they are different and overlap.   Many think that if you have a roof over your head – housed that is (shelter, rooming house, somebody’s couch) then you are not homeless.   They think you are homeless only if you live outside, on the streets.  They are wrong. 
If you don’t get the difference, think about it until you do.  Read the words of the homeless veteran below and see if anything clicks.   The old saying, “home  is where the heart is” is quite valid and true.  Just because a homeless person is in shelter or sleeping on a friend’s couch, or living in a cheap motel, doesn’t mean he or she is not still homeless.


martes, 17 de mayo de 2016

Runaway VS Thrownaway

here for a video about the difference between runaway and thrownaway





It is a way to set something one unwanted another human being as thrownaway of  your living place that represents the abandonment of children on the street and life itself is difficult to find a precise definition that can define the variety of circumstances that these children live farewell street day. Their conditions are very heterogeneous, from children who spend all day on the street and sleep at home, with parents to help poorly trained properly.

Resultado de imagen para runaway

It is a way to take a desperate decision A young man who runs away from home, in most cases, has made a bad decision but that does not make anything wrong. Just a victim of circumstances than happen in its home.

The main problem with this is that experience that seems an adventure in the first instance it is romanticized by young people. It seems an experience worth living, much better than the life they are living experience. And there is nothing that can make them change their minds. If you think about a few seconds you will also meet with the feeling that anything that removed from your daily routine will be more exciting. The spirit of adventure lives in each person, the secret is to make that spirit is channeled in the direction indicated.


This blog was created to solve the problems between families
I welcome students and parents, mothers this blog is about Runaway and Thrownaway this is in order to raise awareness on issues such as Runaway and Thrownaway also serves to promote coexistence between families and not be in trouble at once comment on what would happen if, it away from home and the difficulties happen if that happened

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